Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The wedding

Here are some photos from Raashi and Bala's wedding in Shrisilam.

The bride's family

The day after we got to Shrisilam they had a Huldi ceremony in which we put turmeric paste on the groom and then the bride.

Me blessing the groom.

The bride, me and the groom's cousin

The bride and her young relative

Painting the bride's feet

Arati to the bride

The bride at the wedding hall with the Bramen and many photographers.

The groom and the bride's parents

The bride and her parents face the groom with a cloth in between them.

The groom pouring rice on the brides head

The bramen doing one of the many rituals with the bride and groom.

The newly weds walking out of the hall tied together.

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