Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Bodhgaya to Kathmandu

These pictures are out of order. I went to Bodhgaya after leaving Varanasi. I then went back to Varanasi where I arranged my trip to Kathmandu. I have been staying with Parvati at her parent's house in Kathmandu.

The huge Buddha in Bodhgaya had scaffolding around it when I went to see it. Japan put up the money to have the statue cleaned.

Monks chanting and playing horns in the Chinese Buddhist temple. The horns were very loud.

These are part of the Mahabhodi Temple which is the main Buddhist temple in Bodhgaya. It is the temple that has the Bodhi tree next to it.

The inside of one of the many Buddhist temples in Bodhgaya.

The shared Jeep that took me from Varanasi to the Nepal border. It should only have held 6 or 7 people but there were 11 of us!

The inside of the bus that took me from Sunali to Kathmandu. There was Nepali pop music blasting the whole 9 hour trip.

The view from the bus.

My first breakfast in Kathmandu with Parvati, her friend Sandy and Sandy's daughter Maya. We ate at Mike's. It's owned by an American so they have American food and their water is UV purified!

Parvati Washing our dishes in the roof top sink.
The kitchen in her house is on the top floor. They have a small gas burner and a little fridge. Parvati's Sister-in-law has cooked Dal Baht for us every day. It is lentils, rice and curried vegetables.

We went to this orphanage in Kathmandu. It is in an old palace. We got to hold some of the babies there.

Part of the Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya. These stone things are ridiculously old.

This is the spot where the Buddha sat when he became enlightened.

This Bodhi tree is the ancestor of the tree that the Buddha sat under when he became enlightened.

1 comment:

iffatali said...

If you reject the food ignore the customs fear the religion and avoid the people you might better stay at home.
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