Sunday, September 23, 2007

First day in India

I'm in the attic of the Jaipur Inn using their computer and there is a band going by below. Men in white uniforms with horns and drums and colorfully dressed women behind them. I rode the bus here from Delhi. I sat next to a man who is a professor of political science in Delhi. He told me about his love marriage to his wife (not arranged) and the book he is writing about the changing cast system in Rajastan. I saw so many things on the way here. Cows wandering around the city eating garbage, monkeys hanging out in trees, people doing all kinds of things-cooking sleeping, peeing, sweeping the road... The rickshaw driver who drove me from the bus was eager to talk about all the foreign people he has met. He showed me a book that people had written to him in and then discovered that he could not read.
It is so hot here. No big surprise I guess. I m looking forward to getting to the farm as the cities are so crowded and dirty. There is so much to do and see here. I think this really is the beginning of a crazy adventure!

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